RideStyler Labs

Welcome to RideStyler Labs, where innovation meets imagination. Here, we invite you to explore the cutting-edge of automotive technology and get a sneak peek at the exciting new products and experiments we're working on. From conceptual ideas to nearly ready-for-release products, RideStyler Labs showcases the future of our offerings. Join us on this thrilling journey, and be the first to witness the next big thing in automotive technology.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing various industries, presenting new opportunities and transforming traditional ways of doing business. From training modules to interactive marketing techniques, AR holds a promise like no other. However, the challenge lies in leveraging this technology in a manner that is neither superficial nor creates barriers for customers. At RideStyler, we understand this challenge and have developed RideStyler AR, a versatile framework designed to be easily applied across a broad spectrum of applications.

Our RideStyler AR framework transcends beyond mere AR functionality. It's not just about overlaying digital information; it's about creating a meaningful connection between the end consumer, the device they are using, and your system. Be it kiosks or interactive websites, our technology allows users to effortlessly capture their vehicle and seamlessly integrate it into their existing experience, free from device constraints. With RideStyler AR, we are unlocking the potential of augmented reality, making it accessible and effective in enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Try it for yourself!

Upload a photo and browse wheels in seconds. Scan the QR code with your phone to get started. Or click here to upload from this device.

QR Code Image
Waiting for user to capture and confirm vehicle image ...
AR Vehicle Image AR Wheel Marker 1 AR Wheel Marker 2

See the results!

Our server side technology will detect the wheel locations within the provided image and allow you to replace them with wheels of your choosing.

Below is a random selection of wheels used for all AR samples. These wheels may not fit the vehicle pictured.
AR Example Wheel 1 AR Example Wheel 2 AR Example Wheel 3

Want to learn more?

Don't hesitate to reach out to our amazing sales staff. We are more than happy to work with you to understand your specific needs and recommend the product(s) that will work best for your unique situation.